I always enjoy waiting for the 20 week ultrasound to do the anatomy scan. It’s rewarding to know I am at the half way mark. Each ultrasound is always a relief to hear the baby’s heart beat especially after having a miscarriage. Tay and I also enjoy the extra excitement in middle of my pregnancy to decide on a name and just fun to make plans. We both thought baby was a boy but we were surprised to find out we are having a GIRL!! We are going to have THREE girls!!

We are so thrilled to have three daughters. Owen is bummed to not have a brother but he loves babies and is such a great older brother to his sisters! He is our only son and will find brothers through friends and have a very special relationship with Taylor and I being our only son.

I feel so much gratitude to be adding another sweet human to our family soon.
crystal you are absolutely gorgeous!! i’m so excited you are adding another precious girl to your family! xoxo