We really didn’t have much decor coming from our small NYC apartment. Every year I like to add one or two things just to freshin up the space! Goodwill/thrift stores have some fun decor options as well.

Even though we are renting I do enjoy creating a space where my kids can feel stable and enjoy making memories. We are home a lot and it is so wonderful to enjoy the space we are in. That being said I understand holidays can be stressful (it can be a lot of pressure to make sure everyone having fun, tons of gifts to buy, etc). This year we are trying to find joy in the simple things because that is when we have so much fun with each other!

Links to Products:
Rug | Mirror | Cube Ottomans | Black Coffee Table | Tree (similar) | Tree skirt | Wood beads (on tree) | Tree Topper | Garland 1 | Garland 2 | Bells (on garland) | Stockings | Black & White Vase | Candle Sticks (similar) | Tree Pillow | Hammock | Decorative white tree